Information 16-05-2023

Informational study day on "Medical Law and Forensic Medicine"

The Tlemcen office of  Algerian Organization for the Defense of the Consumer "HIMAYATEC" organized this Monday, May 15, 2023, in coordination with the University of Tlemcen, an informational study day  titled "Medical Law and Forensic Medicine" at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Life, and Earth and Universe Sciences, in the presence of the University Rector and his vice rector in charge of external relations, and the President of the Algerian Organization for defending  the consumer, Mr. Mohamed Aissaoui, and the Director of Health and Population of  the wilaya of Tlemcen, Mr. Mohamed Amri, as well as  to the security authorities and responsibles  of the Trade administration.

The aim of this event is to discove and discuss the relationship between law, medical practice and legal aspects related to medicine.

The study day addressed  the themes of  legal policies related to health care, legislation related to patients' rights and medical practices, and legal issues in the medical field, through interventions presented by experts in the fields related to medical law and forensic medicine.